Friday 25 January 2013

Create task using symfony and run it form action

Create MyTask.class.php in /lib/Task folder. It should look like this:
 * MyTask class.
 * @author ...
class MyTask extends sfPropelBaseTask

   * Execute configure method.
  protected function configure()
      new sfCommandOption('application', NULL, sfCommandOption::PARAMETER_OPTIONAL, 'The application name', 'front'),
      new sfCommandOption('env', NULL, sfCommandOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED, 'The environment', 'dev'),
      new sfCommandOption('connection', NULL, sfCommandOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED, 'The connection name', 'propel'),

    $this->namespace = 'namespace';
    $this->name = 'myTask';
    $this->briefDescription = 'Do Task';
    $this->detailedDescription = 'Do Task desc';

   * Execute execute method.
   * @param array $arguments
   * @param array $options
  protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array())
    //Do Task


And now, run it from action that you need:
    $dispatcher = sfContext::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher();
    $formatter = new sfFormatter();
    $task = new ReminderToWriteReviewTask($dispatcher, $formatter);
    $task->run(array(), array('connection' =>  sfConfig::get('connection')));
You can also call the task, as it should be called, from command line
    php symfony namespace:myTask

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